For the last 3 weeks, we have been
researching for a Network tricks, with the help of premium tools we have
successfully found out the open port in the Airtel, Vodafone, Aircel
and Tata Docomo Networks. With the open port, we can able to use free
Internet and we have tested and its working at free of cost in all those
four networks.
These are the premium tricks, many of
them selling these tricks for Rs.2000 each. But we are gonna give it at
free of cost. Download it fast. We will remove the tricks soon after 400
These tricks are VPN based tricks, some work with UDP and TCP ports.
Don’t share anywhere. Otherwise these tricks will get blocked and those ports will be closed.
 We have given tricks for Airtel, Vodafone, Aircel and Tata Docomo separately for the convenience of the users.