Hack Shop Admins And Get CC

VP-ASP shopadmin vulnerability to gain access to a list of credit card numbers, addresses and other details customers have

And for this you’ll need Microsoft Office Access.

1.Go to Google xD and add in the Search Bar inurl:”shopadmin.asp”
Just Administrator Shop admin

shopadmin.asp is the name of a certain webpage we can hack. Google can find those web pages for us with the “inurl” term.

“shop administrators only”

That is basically some of the text found on the web pages we can hack. So if the name of the web page is “shopadmin.asp”
and we find the text “shop administrators only” that page is hackable.

2. Now Google returns with our results. Choose any of those.
The Shopadmin.asp

3. Now it asks for a username and password. Don’t worry about this. In the address bar replace “shopadmin.asp” with


It should take you to a page with some infs on it. Next to where it says “xDatabase” is the name of the database.

After Finding the Page Shopdbtest.asp Replace With

4. Download the database file and open it up with Access or your other software. Find “customers” and you’ll have a list of
customer details.

5. Have fun!

6. Press Thanks And + rep To me For the Hard Work xD


VP-ASP 6.50

1. Dork : ” powered by vpasp v 6.50 ”

2. Change the url to http://www.xxxxxx.com/database/shopping650.mdb

3. Admin page : shopadmin.asp

The mdb Viewer After Downloading The Shopping.mdb Download The Program From here
DB Viewer .
After opining the DB
u can search for Details will come up search and take :P
have Fun

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